As with any sports teams, it takes a group effort to be successful. And everyone has their role.
My Open Studio is no exception. If you haven’t already met them, let me introduce you to the starting lineup, my teacher daughter Bonnie and husband Jay.
Jay worked hard behind the scenes, the unsung hero of the team. For two weeks I gave him lists, and everything simply magically appeared – from poster boards, packing tape, picture wire, groceries, to stamps, napkins and plates. Jay even helped prepare my printed materials, from resumes, statements to price lists.
He darted around from one task to another, making things happen like a tireless point guard. (Note: When he read this description, he said he sounded more like a locker attendant…and I couldn’t stop laughing!) Here he is cleaning up the dinner dishes the night before the Open Studio, with a smile on his face.
Bonnie is like a secret weapon who anticipates and solves problems before they arise. She calls the plays like a team captain. For example, take meals. I was so busy painting my Avocados and Blueberry Pie that I forgot about preparing meals, which is a problem for a busy teacher who works 10-12 hours at school before coming home with more work.
So she took on planning and cooking food for the entire week. This turkey meatball and sweet potato entrée, with avocado dressing (mmm!), is an example of her handiwork. Aren’t we lucky!
She happily volunteered to handle the dessert table, from start to finish. Bonnie planned the menu, placed and picked up the order, and set up the table – and replenished it after Saturday. Apparently people saved a lot of room for dessert because we started running out of everything. She also stepped up big time on Friday night, helping me clear out my studio at the eleventh hour.
Finally, we come to Maritza, an indispensable team member, who refers to the weekend as “my Open Studio”. And certainly she has been part of the team for so many years that she’s absolutely right. Two weeks in advance, Maritza helped me weed through what we would hang or pack up, how many tables to put out anyhow to display prints.
Once again, she generously volunteered to man the Oreo Cookie Contest in the kitchen for two full days, giving up her weekend after working two jobs during the week, a task that would fell lesser mortals.
Maritza assisted anyone who needed help – including yours truly who cut herself badly on the serrated edge of the wax paper box while wrapping up paintings.
So thank you, Jay, Bonnie and Maritza, for enabling me to fulfill my role as the power forward – to keep pouring on the points (maybe paints is more like it) until the very last seconds of the game. I finished this Blueberry Pie from the 2015 Open Studio the last minute and hung it wet. Of course, Bonnie made sure her dessert table included a blueberry pie from Riviera that was the inspiration.
Without all of you, this event would have never come together. I am grateful to have you on my team and consider the entire weekend one terrific victory.
I enjoyed reading your blog and it was so great to see you Beverly at the Awaken Wellness Fair where we first met many years ago. Peggy was also thrilled to speak to you and loves your creative talent.. just pinned your beautiful Avocado painting. Sorry that we could not be at your Open Studio and would have gone if I had known. Love your postcard of your 2 paintings. Looking forward to connecting with you again. Many blessings!
Thanks, John.
Following your posts Beverly and looking forward to seeing what you’re up to in the future. Realized I made a typo in my previous comment and meant to say that I loved your 6 paintings on the postcard invite that Peggy showed me 🙂 Blessings, love and light!