Part of the fun of the Oreo Cookie Contest is officially unveiling the winner from the previous year. Here it is. Congratulations to Samantha who took a funky bite out of this Oreo! (And it sold too!)

“Samantha’s Bite – 2014 Oreo Cookie Contest Winner”, by Beverly Shipko, Oil on cradled panel, 8 x 8 inches.
This year, the annual Oreo Cookie Contest was an overwhelming success. As you can see, we got a lot of participants. Now it’s time to get to work photographing these entries, and whittling down the finalists.
I love to watch people as they take their bites. The expressions on their faces before and after are priceless. Here’s Blake, who comes back year after year, and arrived this time with suggestions on how to market my work online. His entry which has a lot of potential – teeth marks and all!
And these are the girls who couldn’t stay away. Their enthusiasm was contagious – and they kept coming back for more (more for the sugar than the art).
For the first time, this event was featured in two online calendars.
By popular demand, the Oreo Cookie Contest will return next year. And I’m already looking forward to being inspired by the entries as I am this year.
Time to get to work!