It’s human nature to want to be recognized for your achievements – whether you’re applying for college, a new job, or an art show.
And there’s nothing like the rush you get from getting that email that says accepted.
Today I got to relive that experience when Jay and I went to the 65th Annual Art of the Northeast Exhibition at the Silvermine Arts Center in New Canaan, CT (through July 26th), curated by Michelle Grabner & Brad Killam, Co-founders of the Suburban and the Poor Farm in the Chicago area.
It’s always fun to walk into a new exhibit and see how your work is hung within the context of the show. We didn’t have to look far since we found Adrianna’s Strawberry Kiwi Blueberry Tart in the front gallery.
Here’s a closer view of the carton of eggs nearby, carrying on the food theme.
It was a quiet weekday, good for taking photos. We had a wedding celebration the night of the opening reception, so unfortunately I didn’t get to meet the curators (fellow Midwesterners) or other artists.
There was quite a variety of work, both in materials and techniques, with a fair amount of sculpture and ceramics.
The Art of the Northeast is a show I had heard about for years and intended to enter, and finally did this year. I had the pleasure of getting that stamp of approval – accepted.
Somehow it never gets old. Ask anyone who has ever applied for anything!
Congratulations! Terrific stuff.
Thanks so much, Henry!