Day 26. Margie’s Oreo
Today was my day to relax and catch up by returning to my food roots with an Oreo drawing. I only had a few hours to work, which didn’t allow time for cleanup and brush cleaning.
This is my first drawing of this Challenge, and the first in a long time. I must admit to feeling a little rusty and missed having a paintbrush in my hand. I had to dig out my Bristol board pad and soft drawing pencils, although I confess that I still use Old Faithful – my soft yellow Ticonderoga pencil.
After I scanned this image the first time, I made the cookie and logo darker and made revisions so the cracks were more obvious, as they were at the beginning.
I have a long history with Oreos, both eating them as a child and painting them for over a decade.
On Day 2 of this Challenge, I painted Stack of Oreos. Three Oreo paintings from the 2016 Challenge include Oreo in 4 Pieces, Oreo in 3 Pieces, and BlakesBite, the 2016 Oreo Cookie Contest winner for its distinctive bite.

Days 1, 2 & 3 of the 30/30 Challenge, Paintings by Beverly Shipko, Oil on cradled wood panel, 6 x 6 inches
The Oreo Cookie Contest is held during my annual April Open Studio, which is fast approaching. Consider this an official invitation to come and participate in the fun by simply biting an Oreo or two (weekend of April 22nd/23rd). I select my favorite compositions to paint (or draw), and name the paintings after the biters. Each work essentially becomes a personal portrait, like Margie’s Oreo.
A few years ago, I started drawing single Oreos, whose monochromatic color are suited to pencils. During the 2015 Challenge, I explored a Plate of Oreos, which ended up taking more than a day.
The drawings evolved into Oreo prints, which have a contemporary look that does well in California. I recently donated an Oreo print to a fundraiser for the Ardsley Foundation for the Visual Arts. Here’s John Charles, the happy purchaser.
Then came Oreo Mandala, an original composite print representing 9 of the most distinctive Oreo configurations from the contest. I have this in my house and never get tired of it.

“Oreo Mandala” by Beverly Shipko, Limited Edition Giclee Print, 27 x 27 inches framed, available 20 x 20 inches unframed.
In fact, I gave one to Webmaster Laura as a housewarming gift.
This day flew by unbelievably quickly. I had intended to do so many things besides this Oreo drawing – take a walk, wash my hair, sketch a blueberry cheesecake (having a summer show in Maine) for Saturday, catch up on Instagram, start a drawing for Sunday when I’ll be in the city – all before 5pm. About half of this happened. I can dream, can’t I?
Instead I went to see Godunov’s Romeo and Juliet (and watched them dream!) from the Metropolitan HD Opera at my local movie theater, and loved it.
The best news is that I got a chance to try and reset my body clock by going to sleep earlier. I’ll be bright and shiny for Day 27. See you then!